REP College Recruiting

Want to run in college?

REP offers college recruiting seminars and one-on-one consulting sessions with some of the most experienced recruiters and athletes in the sport.

Conducted by Isaac Wood (an NCAA XC Champion team recruiter), Pros, and national champions, we provide the best insight and advice available today.


Our virtual recruiting seminars will help you learn the most important aspects of finding your perfect collegiate match. Here you’ll learn more about the recruiting process & important skills like how to contact coaches, how to navigate the NCAA’s official recruiting trip system, and what to look for in a program.

One series of seminars will last a month, with one meeting a week. At the end of the month, sign up for a one-on-one consultation so we can help you individually!

Register for a recruiting seminar

Consulting Sessions

In these one-on-one consulting sessions, we’ll work with you individually to asses your needs. After getting to know you as an athlete, we will help connect you to programs around the nation that fit your goals.

We want you to have an incredible experience in college. Let us help you get there!

Register for a consulting session


Purchase a bundle for the best of both worlds—a full month of recruiting seminars, followed by a one-on-one consulting session with one of our lead recruiting experts.

Register for a bundle